3 Benefits of Tomatoes To Lower Uric Acid

The tomatoes can basically be categorized as types of fruits and vegetables. Besides, the tomato is also very rich in vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Other substances such as carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and protein can also be found in tomatoes.

Seeing the number of nutrient content in the tomato on top, do not be surprised if the tomato also has a wide range of health benefits, especially for keeping uric acid levels in the blood. This is because tomatoes have lots of vitamin C and vitamin C benefits one of which is to relieve gout. Other benefits of tomatoes for gout include:

1. Prevent Gout
The content of antioxidants and vitamins found in tomatoes may help prevent high production of uric acid in the blood. Besides tomatoes also have high levels of purine so low that production of uric acid in the blood can be reduced.

2. Reduces Inflammation Joints
Tomatoes contain natural anti-inflammatory agent, a drug that can treat inflammation in the joints caused by non-infectious. Eat tomatoes regularly is very useful if you have symptoms of high uric acid as it feels pain in the joints.

3. Shed Uric Acid
When joint pain due to gout, actually in this case because the calcification process of uric acid in the joints. Uric acid can accumulate and eventually hardens into a crystal. That's what makes the joints ache. Tomato itself seems to have benefits in order to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints and provide oil consumption so that the risk can be reduced buildup of uric acid.

For gout sufferers are often advised to do purine diet. Changing the menu that contains a lot of protein with vegetables and fruits can reduce purine levels in the blood. One of the recommended menu is tomato. Although the latter occurs also debate about the risk of tomatoes on gout. That is because a study in New Zealand meyebutkan that 20% percent of cases of gout are caused by tomatoes. Even so this still is not proven because basically vitamin C in tomatoes is higher than the protein content.

In addition to making juice or mixed salad, tomatoes are also often used as an ingredient in various dishes, for example, to make soups or stir-fries. To the people of Indonesia tomatoes are even used as the main material for making home-cooked sauce. Yet for gout sufferers, tomatoes should not be consumed raw. Benefits of tomatoes will be maximized if the tomato is cooked first because when cooked number alkanoid or alkaline substances in tomatoes can be reduced.

Diet Benefits of Water For Health

Diet Benefits of Water For Health The human body is 70% composed of liquid. Lack of fluids can lead to organ work and metabolism becomes impaired. Lack of body fluids can make the face become dull and not shiny. The agency also felt weak because the body's metabolism is not running smoothly. Then if there is no benefit if we consume water every day? Of course there is. In addition to maintaining fluid requirements, water consumption was also to lose weight

Diet Water

One of the benefits of water are able to lose weight, if done correctly. Some ways of doing white water diet are as follows:

1. Drink Water Before Eating
Research shows that drinking water as much as 600 ml or about 2 cups starfruit can help suppress hunger. So that portions can be reduced. It is an effective and safe to do.

2. Consumption of Water a Day
The volume of water is recommended to drink each day is 8 liters. But the needs of each person's body is different so this number can be different as well. In addition to helping the metabolism in order to burn fat can happen easily, water also serves mendetox toxins.

3. Relieve Hunger with Air
As described above, the consumption of water can suppress appetite. So when you are hungry try drinking water. It is great to overcome snack craving fatty foods and high cholesterol.

4. Select the Drinking Water
When a meal or snack outside, try to choose water as compared to other beverages such as tea, coffee, milk or other sweet drinks. Besides having no harmful ingredients, water is also no additional sugar content notabenenya main cause of obesity.

5. Detox
In addition to maintaining body weight, water consumption regularly can nourish the body by way mendetox toxins from the body. Detox these toxins can be through sweat or urine.

6. Combined with Vegetable or Fruit
Do not just consume water only. White water does not contain minerals and vitamins your body needs. Diet does not mean not eating anything. A good diet is done by reducing the portion of fatty foods but does not reduce the content of minerals and vitamins that the body should be obtained.

7 Drinking Water Before, When, and After Sports
Sport is a physical activity that should not be left behind if you want to lose weight. Balance with consuming water during exercise to replace fluids lost through sweat.

8. Warm Water
Some studies say the consumption of warm water can speed up the body's metabolism. So it helps you consume warm water to help you lose weight. A fast metabolism can help the body burn fat fast.

9. Water in the Morning
Do not forget to consume water in the morning. Fluid body remains missing even while at rest. So that the consumption of water when you wake up is highly recommended for the body.

Thus the description benefits water diet to lose weight. May be useful articles about Diet Benefits of Water For Health

Benefits of Vitamin E For Male and Women Fertility

Since the first studies that discuss in more detail about the benefits of vitamin e. And the benefits of vitamin E is the most important to the couple is to fertility. Reproductive health is necessary for a married couple to get a descent which they have been waiting for.

In addition to fertility vitamin E are also beneficial for skin health. It aims to prevent the body from free radical attack is not good that can cause premature aging and wrinkles appear prematurely on the skin.

Vitamin E for Male Fertility

Husband's fertility for the benefit of vitamin E works to improve the quality of sperm are produced as vitamin E rich in antioxidants. The workings of vitamin E on sperm that is to protect the sperm membrane to avoid oxidation. Indeed getting healthy sperm that produced the male fertility will be growing to have children soon.

In addition to vitamin E the men also had to avoid unhealthy lifestyles such as drinking alcohol and smoking activities are very disturbing male fertility.

Benefits of Vitamin E for fertility for women is to keep the endocrine hormone that is closely related to fertility for women. Women who have good fertile period will soon have children because reproductive health helped with the consumption of vitamin E for fertility.

It's good the women also maintain a healthy lifestyle such as exercising regularly and doing gymnastics gymnastics mild, such as walking, gymnastics and swimming

Benefits of Vitamin E For Health, Not only to increase fertility but the benefits of vitamin E as well as to health are as follows :

1. Immunity

The immune system attacks against free radicals that oxidize in air is important to keep the body healthy and fit in carrying out daily activities - day. For the many studies that suggest that you take vitamin E in doses appropriate to maintain immunity from disease.

2. Healthy Skin

Vitamin E serves to preserve the health of the skin such as producing the amount of collagen in the skin better, keep the skin moist. Because the skin is moist make the appearance look more fresh dab interesting to look at. Vitamin E also prevent wrinkles and smile lines that exist around the eyes as well as your lips

3. Antioxidants

A natural source of antioxidants to fight free radical attack is vitamin e. Oxidized free radicals in the air that makes healthy skin distracted and cause all sorts of problems for skin health. So the benefits of antioxidants for the skin and fertility is important for your health safely to the old. Antioxidants are found in many types of vegetables - vegetables and fruit - fruit that can be made as to the health benefits.

Actually, the human body has a natural source of antioxidants for health produced. But as we age, the production of antioxidants become distracted and not fully adequate for the body. So that the body requires external sources of antioxidants such as support for health food a day - day

4. Diabetes

The amount of sugar in the blood is one reason you contract diabetes. Pre-existing diabetes usually difficult to recover because the disease can sometimes cause complications such as kidney disease and paralysis. Vitamin E can prevent and treat diabetes naturally provided in accordance with the prescriptions given by doctors.

5. Cancer

A deadly disease number one in the world is common in small children to the parents in old age. History of descent became one of the factors that make an impact so great for this disease. The type of cancer are gradually becoming more and cancers are sometimes too late to be addressed as new information after reaching an advanced stage. Be some types of cancer can be cured with chemotherapy. However, chemotherapy also bring adverse effects to the health of your hair because the hair menyababkan easily fall out. And patients who choose chemotherapy will not have the hair as it should advance.

Vitamin E is beneficial to prevent cancer in the body because it can inhibit the development of abnormal cells in the body with its content of antioxidants

Thus the benefits of vitamin E which is engaged in the field of health to be the prevention and treatment of disease.

10 Benefits Of Vitamin B3 For Body

Vitamin B3 is one of the vitamins that have a source of energy and good for health. Even vitamins including vitamin B3 is good for health, especially to maintain blood circulation in the body optimally. There are so many benefits to be gained from consuming vitamin B3.

Before knowing what are the benefits of vitamin B3 it's good to know in advance what foods and fruits that contain B3 as this is necessary to facilitate the search for foods that contain B3 so as to consume not only the fruit that was it. but it can vary in taking it. Which will be described here is not just the fruit alone but all foods containing vitamin B3

Here are List Of Foods containing Vitamin B3 

  • Mango
  • Asparagus
  • Yeast
  • Potato
  • Peanuts
  • Almond nut
  • mustard seeds
  • Chicken breast
  • lamb's liver
  • Venison
  • Beef
  • Milk
  • Salmon
  • Tuna fish
  • Oyster mushroom
  • Egg

That's the foods that contain B3. Pretty much not foods that contain B3, for it to consume can be variations. Not only consume it that's all. henceforth will be discussed on the benefits of vitamin B3 for the body, especially for the health of the body itself. Here are the benefits of vitamin B3 should know:

1. Helps to eliminate scars redness of the skin
The skin is the body part that is often exposed to pollution and other germs. The skin is very sensitive to germs and other partially. For skin that require special treatment, especially in bacteria. By the time the skin is exposed bacterial skin will change color to red, and it can all be cured by consuming vitamin B3.

2. Helps to increase appetite
Appetite when you're sick will be reduced. Even many who are not an appetite to eat when you're not feeling well. For that some doctors will suggest to consume B3 so stamina and appetite will return.

3. Smooth the skin
In addition to the B3's health has been formulated to treat the skin. Primarily to treat rough skin so the skin becomes smooth again. So it was not wrong when the vitamin is widely used for beauty products.

4. Treating diarrhea
In addition to beauty. Vitamin B3 is also useful for treating diarrhea. Because he bekrja directly ntuk increase the metabolism of the body primarily treat disease.

5. Treating swelling
B3 other benefits is that it can treat swelling that occurs in the body, especially on the fragile body. Vitamin B3 can restore the swelling be recovered.

6. Helps digestion
In addition to treating diarrhea, vitamin is able to maintain gastrointestinal digestion in order to function normally. With vitamin B3 in the body can help the body to control and supervise foreign objects that enter and fight it because it has the function of metabolism in the body numb.

7. Lowering Cholesterol
B3 can reduce cholesterol in the blood by consuming B3 in every day. The purpose of this cholesterol is bad cholesterol were killed and will increase good cholesterol. Because of the good cholesterol would be beneficial for the body. According to studies of vitamin B in the size of 1100 grams consumed per day is effective to kill the bad cholesterol and good cholesterol returns. Not only that vitamin B3 can help prevent thickening of plaque on the arterial walls.

8. Treat fighter
Pelaga or muscle weakness can be overcome easily using vitamin B3. This is commonly caused by deficiency of vitamin B3 is very severe. Therefore it requires a lot of vitamin B3 to restore order to avoid a future fighter. In addition, one suffering from pellagra does require vitamin B3 supplements to boost immunity and is suitable for diet.

9. Treating pain
Besides functioning to relieve swelling, these vitamins can treat pain that is felt by everyone. Similarly, because the drug helps stabilize the body's metabolism.

10. Treating heart
In addition to both prevent and treat diabetes diabetes vitamin B3 is also very effective for maintaining heart health, especially in those who have a weak heart. Consuming vitamin B3 regularly can help and heal. Of course with the use of routine and regular

That's 10 Benefits Of Vitamin B3 For Body, some of the benefits gained when consuming vitamin B3, even that is not only health gained from consuming this B3, but also get a beauty and fitness in the body. Because B3 can stimulate the skin to be healthy skin, like acne scar removal and can boost immunity.

8 Health Benefits of Spinach For Body

Benefits spinach is very important for the growth of children in general, pregnant women, and for everyone of course. Spinach is a vegetable that is a favorite for Indonesian families.

Spinach is easily found in traditional markets, and to cook it is not difficult. Menu spinach, usually in stir-fry with a few other ingredients such as corn which of course makes sauteed spinach varied and at the same time benefiting the benefits of corn or string beans in a dish.

Vegetables like this material, also can dikreasikan with chicken meat into nuggets spinach. The menu is usually well-liked as children, but the nutrient content of spinach was indeed good for the body.

The content of Spinach

Spinach is a nutrient-dense foods, making it no less than other vegetables such as kale benefits, the benefits of green beans or carrots benefits. In the bundle there are calories, iron, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, calcium and many other essential nutrients

Benefits spinach is already visible from various high nutrient content therein. The benefits of spinach are very diverse and good for the body especially for children who are growing. Some of the benefits of spinach are as follows:

1. Important To Maintain Eye Health

Spinach is one of the vegetables are very high in vitamin A, we know that this vitamin is essential for maintaining the health of the eye in order to keep good eyesight.

2. Maintaining bone health

Vitamin K in spinach helps absorption of calcium is good for bones. In people who have elderly are very susceptible to osteoporosis, and therefore very important to consume spinach and especially in children who are growing flowers. Balance also with milk for calcium is important for bone formation.

3. Maintaining a healthy heart

Cholesterol plaque in the arteries increases the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants in spinach prevent the buildup of cholesterol and blood pressure are also able to control the distance of hypertension.

4. Prevent Cancer

The benefits of spinach contained in these flavonoids can reduce infection in the body that cause cancer. Some of these ovarian cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. In addition, some studies have also revealed that spinach is believed to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

5. Prevent Aging

Vitamin A and antioxidant content contained in spinach help to prevent and combat premature aging caused by free radicals.

6. Improve the efficiency of muscle

Popaye still remember the soap opera? it will grow stronger muscular after eating spinach. No one did, because spinach from various studies in the world believe can improve muscle efficiency. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that participants who ate 300 grams of spinach a day reduces the amount of oxygen needed to power their muscles during exercise by five percent. The effect was seen only after three days of consumption of spinach. Truly extraordinary.

7. Smooth Digestion

Spinach is a leafy green vegetables are very high in fiber, it is most impact on digestive health in the human body. If you are having problems urinating or other digestive helps you consume spinach as your daily menu.

8. Good For Anemia

Spinach contains iron which is very good for producing red blood cells needed by the human body. Red blood deficiency anemia, or better known, so it's good you started eating spinach regularly to get rid of anemia.

Spinach high oxalic acid, which can bind iron and calcium and cause the body will bind to these substances that will cause a shortage of these two substances. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, chilies, lemon juice or grapefruit juice along with spinach can help the absorption of the two substances. Spinach is high in fiber, but too much can cause digestive problems such as bloating, abdominal gaseous and cramps.

Benefits spinach is quite good for the human body, a number of studies have also provided concrete evidence linking the efficacy of spinach in helping to maintain the health of the human body.

5 Benefits of Vitamin A for Skin Smooth and Bright

Skin becomes one part of the body that are visible, even body parts that always radiates, because kulitlah the outside of the body. to look beautiful and attractive to women they must have had to have skin or skin that is beautiful and wonderful to be attractive, especially in front of the husband. for that you should know what vitamins to keep your skin in order to be healthy. among many vitamin here I will discuss vitamin A to the skin.

to get beautiful skin that you can utilize the vitamin A as an ingredient or drug taking care of your beautiful skin, following the effect you get when you take vitamin A.

brighten the skin. skin bright and healthy of course would be the desire of every woman, for that you can take advantage of vitamin A as a means to brighten the skin, with the use of routine vitamin A can also write effect bright on your skin, even not temporary, but permanent, but with pengugnaan routine requirement.

prevent premature aging. the more a person thinks or move sometimes you can make the impression of the face becomes older, the face becomes taut again, with wrinkles at various points wjaah, so you have to take care of him early on anyway, it is not ethical at a young age already spelled like embak-embak.

make the skin taut. taut skin will make the face look shiny, tight skin will look more radiant. otherwise if the skin is not tight can actually make your skin look wrinkled, so it is essential for you to care for your face and your skin either skin of the hands, feet, neck, stomach, back and other important all your skin that is not wrinkles, because the wrinkles make you look older.

remove acne scars. most problems become problems is acne, acne can make that pretty face becomes obstructed her beauty, because the face has acne scars would be more visibly dirty, so you really need memebersihkanya, one way is degnan vitamin A as supporters.

nourish the skin. Vitamin A can also make your skin healthy, healthy skin is a result of skin cells on your skin healthy too, but the health of the skin on your face need to be supported by kecukupuna vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.

10 Benefits of Walking The Morning

Walk in the morning, an activity which is often done by each person who spirited healthy. How not, the benefits of walking morning makes people who do feel refreshed because of air provided is still clean and free from pollution. Unfortunately, many of us are reluctant to do so for various reasons such as sleepy or feel cold.

Though many benefits provided by moderate exercise like walking it. In fact, research suggests that people who walked roughly 20-25 miles per week, are more likely to have a long life compared with those who did not. The benefits of walking morning include:

1. Preventing osteoporosis - bone health requires not only the benefits of calcium and vitamin D, but also require body movement by walking approximately 1,000 steps each day and the morning sunlight at least 15 minutes a day. If brisk walking is done on a regular basis, then our bones will last longer than the threat of osteoporosis.

2. Muscle Strengthening - The benefits of walking in the morning, was able to make the leg muscles, thighs including the buttocks to be strong even able to increase muscle endurance because the body is moving, so stamina will be maintained.

3. Lose Weight - Weight overload is very undesirable by most people. In addition to making an appearance becomes unattractive, but also has the potential of the body is infected with chronic diseases. If you have an obesity problem, the best way to cope is to walk in the morning. Because the walk in the morning can burn calories if done on a regular basis

4. Smooth circulation of blood - Walking in the morning also serves as an exercise that can accelerate heart rate to pump blood throughout the body such as the benefits of jogging. As a result, the blood circulation in the body will remain intact.

5. Controlling blood sugar - not only consume vegetables number of benefits that will reduce blood sugar. However, a study of the American Medical Association found that people who exercise in the morning include walking, able to show better control on blood sugar throughout the day.

6. Maintain a healthy heart-attack heart is a disease that often leads to death for the sufferer. Frankly, because the heart itself is the core of the human body system that has a role to pump blood throughout the body. Therefore, anyone would be willing to do anything to treat it.

So if you want to have a healthy heart and avoid a heart attack, a fairly easy way to do is by the benefits of walking. Walk in the morning were able to make the performance of the heart becomes better, so that heart attacks can be avoided.

7. Healthy lungs - Walking with a fast tempo, it would be good for lung health. Therefore, the inhaled air in the morning was clean and not contaminated by smoke pollution

8. Prevent Diabetes - Walking regularly every morning, was able to make the blood sugar levels in the body remains stable maintained so as to prevent disease diabetes. Based on research from the National Institute of Diabetes and Gigesive and Kidney Diseases, with a speed of 6 km / hour and is done for 50 minutes, was able to prevent diabetes by walking on an ongoing basis.

9. Lower Blood Pressure - The benefits of walking in the morning, was able to make the blood pressure is low and capable of reducing the stickiness between the blood cells. It if happens, it can lead to blood clots that can clog blood vessels.

10. Lowers Cholesterol - As the body moves when walking in the morning, then the good cholesterol will work as a sponge absorbing the bad cholesterol.

Basically, walking is one of the efforts of every human being to make the shift from one place to another. This displacement of many motivated by a variety of things to make ends meet.

According to John Fruin, walking is the only means to meet face to face interaction that exists in all commercial and cultural activity in the city. In addition to meeting the needs of face to face interaction, it turns walking is also a tool that can be used to nourish the body. Well, walking is a simple sport that is very healthy, especially if done in the morning.

7 Benefits of Fish For Human Health

Who does not know the fish? Fish is one of animal protein is very good for health. There are many benefits of fish that can be obtained if consumed regularly. Regardless of the type of fish, because the fats contained in fish is unsaturated fat, this makes it easier to be digested by the body properly.

The nutritional content of fish

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin: D and B2 (riboflavin).
  • Calcium
  • Phosphor
  • Minerals: iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.

This article will tell enormity of the benefits of fish for human health. What are they?

1. Prevent Heart Disease Occurrence

The first benefit of fish consumption is to prevent the occurrence of heart disease. According to one study, the tribe of Eskimos who reside in Greenland has the prevalence of heart disease patients is very low. A similar thing happened in Japan, there are rarely found in people who have coronary heart disease. What caused it to happen? The secret is simple, the Eskimos and the Japanese love to eat fish.

Sashimi is a food that contains a lot of benefits of fish one of the benefits of salmon. Japanese people often consume these foods, the main ingredient of fresh fish in its raw state. In general, the Japanese and the Eskimos like to eat fish in large quantities so that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases or heart disease could be reduced, especially for coronary heart disease. Within a day, the Eskimos consume about 300-400 grams of fish and ordinary Japanese people consume 100-200 grams of fish per day

2. Cholesterol Disease Prevention

Someone cholesterol susceptible to coronary heart disease are people who have cholesterol levels above 300 mg / dl. However, the threat of disease cholesterol will not happen if regularly consumed fish.

Benefits of fish oil (cold liver) contained in fish, unsaturated fatty acids good for heart health are omega 3 fatty acids.

3. Facilitate Healthy Diet Program

If you're running a program of diet, eating fish is a good choice for the body. Fish are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. People who like to consume are less likely to consume foods that contain lots of saturated fat as well as on the benefits of meat or cheese.

Why important fish to your diet?

Fish do not have high cholesterol, high in protein and vitamins and contains omega 3 which is very high. Fish will not ruin your diet plan.

4. Stabilize High Blood Pressure

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of fat found in fish oil that is very important to prevent and stabilize high blood pressure. High content of omega-3 fatty acids are found mainly in salmon and mackerel.

5. The eyes and the skin becomes healthier

The content of phosphorus and vitamin crucial high enough to help the health of the eyes and skin healthy. Vitamin D and B2 is essential for healthy bones and skin. Omega 3 is also very important to prevent inflammation is the cause of premature aging.

6. Reducing the risk of cancer

A study conducted in Sweden in 6000 for approximately 30 years, it shows that eating fish regularly can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Substances believed riboflavin may also prevent and dispel various other types of cancer that are harmful to the body.

7. Prevent Diabetes

Fish is one type of food that is good for diabetes, if you want to be healthy, the consumption of fish was a regular basis. Besides fish also can help blood circulation is important to prevent the onset of diabetes.

Certainly the benefits of these fish should we see clearly because not all types of fish can provide the same nutrients. there is little there is also a lot of nutrients. To be worthwhile to review the benefits of fish according to its kind.

How? Are still hesitant to eat fish? Try to start consuming fish early on so that the benefits would be directly felt in the future.

10 Watermelon Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty

The benefits of watermelon fruit is very good for the body whose role is to help maintain the health and metabolism. Watermelon fruit is a tropical fruit that is refreshing and rich in water, very suitable enjoyed during hot weather. Besides enjoyable, watermelon save the content of which has a variety of benefits.

Nutritional Content of Fruits Watermelon

Watermelon is a member of the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. One cup of diced watermelon as much (152 grams) contains:

43 calories
0 grams of fat
2 grams of sodium
11 grams of carbohydrates (including 9 grams of sugar and 1 gram of fiber)
1 gram of fiber.

One cup of watermelon will provide 17% of vitamin A, 21% vitamin C, 2% of iron and 1% of the calcium needs for the day. Nutrinya behind the watermelons turned out to be very beneficial for health, even beauty. 

Watermelon Fruit Benefits For Beauty

The benefits of watermelon are useful for beauty treatments. These include the following:

1. Watermelon anti-aging

Nutrients in watermelon, such as lycopene, vitamins A and C, menagkal free radicals that attack the skin. Exposure to direct sunlight on the skin, causing fine lines. Antioxidants in watermelon helps heaps of free radicals in the body. Eat watermelon regularly, to prevent the signs of premature aging of your beautiful skin.

2. Keeping the skin moist

If your skin is dry skin types, watermelon fruit intake can be the best, because the water content in the fruit is abundant. In addition to giving the skin moist, eating watermelon also keep the body avoid dehydration. The content of such a deal on plants that contain lots of water such as the benefits of cucumber.

3. Reducing sebum (oil) on the face

The pores of the skin that can trigger large oil glands bersekresi excess. A watermelon with its content of Vitamin A, onshore oil on the face to minimize the problem.

4. Rejuvenate Skin

Mask watermelon can rejuvenate dull skin. Excellent for the regeneration of skin cells that die.

Watermelon Benefits To Health

For health, eating watermelon is also contributing to the maintenance of health. Some of them are as follows:

5. Maintaining healthy kidney

potassium contained in watermelon's benefits, clean up toxic substances in the kidneys, thus helping the kidneys. Watermelon is also reducing uric acid levels which reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.

6. Prevention of thrush

Thrush is caused by bacteria that breed well in the oral cavity dry. Eating watermelon provides water consumption and vitamins can reduce the proliferation bekteri in the mouth. To prevent eating watermelon can be paired with the benefits of vitamin C as oranges, lemons benefits and benefits of guava.

7. Reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke

In watermelons are carotenoids that prevent hardening of the arteries and veins, which can cause hypertension. Watermelon potassium content also contribute to lower blood pressure consciousness. Of course, these benefits can be felt when eating watermelon regularly. Potassium is also good for the heart so that it will avoid heart disease.

8. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

Watermelon is rich in phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoids. Carotenoids in watermelon is very helpful in reducing inflammation and neutralize free radicals. Triterpenoids also present in watermelon, which provides support anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that normally causes increased inflammation. Be sure to choose a ripe watermelon, because it contains a number of phenolic compounds is higher.

9. Muscle pain

Watermelon has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time after exercise in athletes. The researchers believe this may be done for the amino acid L-citrulline contained in watermelon.

10. The powerful natural medicine

Watermelon consumption in men may reduce and treat impotence. This study is spoken by Dr. Bhimu Patil, director of Texas A & M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center in College Station, as reported by ScienceDaily. Of course watermelon does not cause side effects such as happened in those taking powerful drugs.

Diet menu with Watermelon Fruit

Watermelon is usually consumed as a fruit dessert. But of course, watermelon as a dessert is not sufficient daily nutritional needs. Here are some simple diet watermelon try:

Cut watermelon cubes and mix in a few ice cubes in a blender for a cool refreshing. Watermelon juice is perfect for rehydrating after exercise or when it was day, in the sun

Menu salad can be boring sometimes, but by adding a watermelon, mint and fresh mozzarella on a bed of spinach leaves. Can be a menu selection sa; ad are easily made

Although the consumption of fruits is a good thing, but the menu diet food or diet as a whole is the most important in disease prevention and achieving good health. Better to consume food variety than concentrating on certain foods, as the key to maintaining a healthy body good.

12 Benefits For Apples For Diet and Health

Benefits already famous apple fruit such which helps maintain the health and even prevents disease, certainly too powerful to diet. Who does not like apples? This gorgeous fruit widely consumed as a diet aid. What benefits we can get from an apple, let's discuss one by one.

Benefits of Apples To Diet

Benefits of apples to the diet is one of the most famous in the universe, including in Indonesia. How apples daily diet can help you to be successful? The workings of apples to the diet is almost equal to the benefits of brown rice that is with a very high fiber content, this fruit makes satiety longer in our stomach.

So what to do? This will help to make the food intake / appetite high-calorie foods can be minimized. When the hull had contained glucose, gastric feel hungry and ordered a brain in search of food

After eating hunger automatically disappear, and where the role of the apple fiber for longer survive the stomach and make sense of the stomach full longer so you will not feel hungry. Quiet apples contain no fat and rich in fiber so it is safe to diet and bowel.

Apples For Health Benefits

No doubt back, apples for health benefits also must be very powerful and than we can think. Apples have properties that are good for human health, well this is some amazing apple benefits for the human body. Here are 12 Benefits For Apples For Diet and Health :

1. To help the work of the small intestine

Digestion is never separated from the small intestine as food processors and gets its nutrients. Consumption of apples regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the intestine.

2. Reduce the risk of respiratory distress

A recent study shows that children who consumed the apple juice regularly can reduce the risk of respiratory disease. In addition to pregnant women who regularly consume apple juice is also effective in suppressing respiratory disorders unborn child.

3. Healthy mouth and teeth

It turned out that apples also have a function tablets for oral and dental health, eating apples to chew directly stimulates the production of saliva to clean the oral cavity. Addition of tannin substances contained in apples, clean the plaque that damage the teeth and gums.

4. Provide protection to the bone

Kandunga flavonoids (phloridzin) an apple benefits that reduce the problem of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women monopouse. Boron content of the apple also serves to strengthen the bones in the body that are not easily porous. It's also very good for the prevention of the onset of symptoms of rheumatic diseases.

5. control blood sugar

Galacturonic acid supplied apples to degrade the performance of the body in releasing the hormone insulin. Therefore, apples consumed for people who have a history of genetic disease from getting diabetes and become more serious.

6. Preventing and Treating Cancer

Benefits of this apple triterpenoids compounds contained in the skin of apples, which were identified in a study of Cornell University, is known to inhibit cancer cells that cause the symptoms of breast cancer, liver and symptoms of colon cancer.

In addition, Apple has a number of substances that can help reduce the risk of cancer, including antimutagenic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory mechanism, antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing published in the journal Planta Medica.

7. Brain Health

Apples have been shown to be used to protect neuron cells that can prevent oxidative stress induced neurotoxicity and plays an important role in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

8. Prevent Parkinson

Research shows that people who eat fruits and other high fiber foods benefit in protecting against Parkinson's disease. The disease is characterized by disruption of dopamine-producing nerve cells to the brain. Scientists have to connect it with the power of antioxidants that protect against various types of free radicals.

9. Lower Cholesterol

For those of you who are obese or have high LDL sebaikanya switch on apples. The soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestine, which is translated in its function to lower cholesterol levels.

10. Good for digestion

Apple is a fruit that is rich in fiber and various vitamins and minerals easily assimilated by the body, for that, apples are one type of fruit that is very healthy for digestion.

11. Healthy Heart

An extensive study has linked intake of soluble fiber to the buildup of cholesterol plaque in the arteries. Phenolic compounds found in the skins of apples also prevent cholesterol from entering into the system and strengthen the artery wall. When plaque forms in the arteries then it will reduce the flow of blood to the heart, leading to coronary heart disease. This plaque can be cleaned with the aid of soluble fiber contained in apples.

12. Prevent gallstones

Gallstones form when there is too much cholesterol in the bile so that it tends to harden. Short-term effects is very possible you will be obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help you control cholesterol levels in the body. Apples as one of the super fruits that have high fiber content is good for health

Apple benefits for health and diet is one of the most popular among other fruits. Sakin popular materials are also used apple vinegar, the product is selling well because the benefits of apple cider vinegar is also very effective for hypertension and other critical illnesses. Hope usefull

Benefits of Bananas For Ulcer Patients

Have you ever felt pain in the stomach? If you delay the boarding school boys often eating schedule, must have felt it. This is called the ulcer disease. An explanation of the ulcer and good food consumed by people with ulcers will be described below

About Ulcer
Ulcer disease, or often called gastric acid, gastric ulcer and gastritis, is a disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The cause of ulcer various kinds ranging from the presence of pathogenic bacteria H. plyori, consumption of alcoholic beverages, autoimmune, customs not chew the food until soft, overeating, or eating irregular. Of the various causes of ulcer disease, not eating well and healthy is the main cause.

Food is Good For Maag

Ulcer patients are advised to avoid the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin. Ulcer patients also usually avoid spicy foods and too acidic because it often causes gastric pain recurred. Some studies suggest regular consumption of fruit to reduce pain and nausea caused by an ulcer, but some pieces need to be avoided. Citric acid-containing fruit such as oranges, grapes, pineapple and so is not good for the stomach. Instead of fruit with fiber and flavonoids are highly recommended for consumption, such as bananas.

Description and Nutrition Bananas

Banana (Musa paradica) is a large-leaved plants and reproduce using the shoots. Bananas are also a term for the fruit produced by this plant. Bananas are found clustered in bunches form. In one comb of bananas, there are about 10-12 bananas. Some types of bananas in Indonesia, among others, banana, plantain, banana milk, bananas kepok, banana horns and so on. Some bananas can be eaten directly, but there also must be processed first as bananas kapok and horns

Benefits of Bananas for Ulcer

One ejala ulcer are vomiting - vomiting. Basically, eating solid food after vomiting is not good for the stomach. However this does not apply to bananas. Banana soft texture makes banana easily digested and good for the stomach, especially after vomiting. Bananas contain a lot of minerals potassium (potassium), which acts like an antacid drugs to neutralize the pH of the stomach. Bananas also restore electrolyte and pH balance of the body after nausea and vomiting. Therefore, the consumption of bananas in patients with gastritis is highly recommended.

Thus the description benefits of bananas for ulcer. Familiarize consumption of bananas can relieve the symptoms of heartburn as well as providing energy to the body's activity. May be useful.