Have you ever felt pain in the stomach? If you delay the boarding school boys often eating schedule, must have felt it. This is called the ulcer disease. An explanation of the ulcer and good food consumed by people with ulcers will be described below
About Ulcer
Ulcer disease, or often called gastric acid, gastric ulcer and gastritis, is a disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The cause of ulcer various kinds ranging from the presence of pathogenic bacteria H. plyori, consumption of alcoholic beverages, autoimmune, customs not chew the food until soft, overeating, or eating irregular. Of the various causes of ulcer disease, not eating well and healthy is the main cause.

Food is Good For Maag
Ulcer patients are advised to avoid the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin. Ulcer patients also usually avoid spicy foods and too acidic because it often causes gastric pain recurred. Some studies suggest regular consumption of fruit to reduce pain and nausea caused by an ulcer, but some pieces need to be avoided. Citric acid-containing fruit such as oranges, grapes, pineapple and so is not good for the stomach. Instead of fruit with fiber and flavonoids are highly recommended for consumption, such as bananas.
Description and Nutrition Bananas
Banana (Musa paradica) is a large-leaved plants and reproduce using the shoots. Bananas are also a term for the fruit produced by this plant. Bananas are found clustered in bunches form. In one comb of bananas, there are about 10-12 bananas. Some types of bananas in Indonesia, among others, banana, plantain, banana milk, bananas kepok, banana horns and so on. Some bananas can be eaten directly, but there also must be processed first as bananas kapok and horns
Benefits of Bananas for Ulcer
One ejala ulcer are vomiting - vomiting. Basically, eating solid food after vomiting is not good for the stomach. However this does not apply to bananas. Banana soft texture makes banana easily digested and good for the stomach, especially after vomiting. Bananas contain a lot of minerals potassium (potassium), which acts like an antacid drugs to neutralize the pH of the stomach. Bananas also restore electrolyte and pH balance of the body after nausea and vomiting. Therefore, the consumption of bananas in patients with gastritis is highly recommended.
Thus the description benefits of bananas for ulcer. Familiarize consumption of bananas can relieve the symptoms of heartburn as well as providing energy to the body's activity. May be useful.
Thus the description benefits of bananas for ulcer. Familiarize consumption of bananas can relieve the symptoms of heartburn as well as providing energy to the body's activity. May be useful.